Kenya is one country whose track and field scene is respected across Africa and all over the world. We recently had a conversation with Winnie Lang’at, master athlete, mother and a police officer stationed in Langata who bagged 2 silver and 1 bronze at the African Seniors weightlifting championships held in August 2018 in Mauritius.
Tell us about yourself?
My name is Winnie Lang’at, I am an athlete and a police officer by profession.
Vile nilimaliza shule, nilienda kujaribu kuingia forces, so nikaandikwa hapo, after nikaenda training for nine months, after that nikapostiwa, nikaona watu wanatrain so nikawajoin sahii niko sports.
What motivated you to take up powerlifting and why?
Weight lifting was tough on me to the point of giving up but I had to be resilient despite the challenges and the difficulties. I kept coming in day out and I also had to be patient. It took a lot of time before I could even qualify to represent the country in International events.
Tell us about your first time powerlifting?
My sport life started 11 years ago, I participated in pole vault, I remember in 2015 when I was going to the gym. I was going to do some strength work outs to benefit pole vault, so it is where I started weight lifting.
How are you able to balance being a mother, a police officer and an athlete?
Niko na mtoto wa 8 years, tunapendana Sana tukiwa kwa nyumba huwa tuna train Pamoja like squats push ups, tukimaliza kutrain ni time ya masomo.
What is your diet like when you are training?
Mimi asubuhi nakula oats na two eggs, kama sina oats nakula sweet potatoes na coffee kidogo, so after work out nakula chicken na rice ama sometimes fish na ugali.
What is the highlight of your athletic career?
My achievements started in 2015, I won three silver medals in Brazzaville congo, alafu 2018 I won also 3 silver medals in Mauritius African championships, 2019 niliwin gold, ilikuwa tena African championships.
If you were to compare yourself to any animal what would it be and why?
I can compare myself to a lioness because I do not fear anything.
What advice would you give a young lady who has the same aspirations as you?
Ukianza weight lifting, uipende kwanza hata ukilift uchekelewe don’t give up, kuna challenges but don’t give up.
What plans do you have for the future ?
God willing, I want to be the first Kenyan weightlifter to win a medal in common wealth.
What do you think ladies? Do you think you would try power lifting? Should we have more women participating in these sports? We would love to hear from you! Comment below and let’s talk!
Watch Winnie Lang’ats documentary here and follow us on our social media platforms for more content on phenomenal women who dream.
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